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6 Best Ways To Treat Extremely Dry Skin

Many of us have experienced itchy, irritated, or scaly skin at some point. Those are typically signs that your skin is dry. Dry skin does not have enough moisture in it to keep it smooth and soft, However, each person experiences these dry spots in a different location. It is a widespread condition that can afflict anyone at any age. The appearance and texture of dry skin may seem rough; however, there is no need to worry as dry skin is treatable once you understand its causes and some of the treatments that you can pursue.

Symptoms of Dry Skin

There are certain symptoms that you would need to look out for if you suspect that you have dry skin.

You probably have severely dry skin if you

  • Experience dryness that hurts, itches, or is scaly

  • Have scabs, crusts, peels, or scales

  • Notice spots of grayish skin

  • Have skin with little fissures

  • Have bruises, pustules, blisters, or pain in areas of infection

  • Are using tubs and tubs of moisturizers

Causes of Dry Skin

Your dry skin may be caused by a few common triggers. Some examples of these triggers include the fowling:

  • Environmental factors:  Extreme dry skin is frequently attributed to the weather, especially in the winter.

  • Certain skin conditions:  Eczema and psoriasis are two skin diseases that might increase your risk of developing dry skin.

  • Lack of moisturizing:  Your skin can get dehydrated just like your body can. Not hydrating the skin enough can lead to dry skin.

  • Your age:  At any age, one is susceptible to develop dry skin. However, dry skin is common as you get older.

  • Vitamin deficiency:  Dry, itchy skin may result from a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals, including zinc and vitamin B-6.

6 Ways to Treat Dry Skin

The good news is that dry skin is treatable. Here are the top six ways to treat dry skin:

  1. Choose the right wash:  Washing using harsh washes that include irritants or potent perfumes can harm your skin in a variety of ways and could potentially lead to dryness. At Johnson’s we recommend using any of our JOHNSON'S® Body wash which are gentle on the skin, such as JOHNSON'S® Vita-Rich Nourishing Body Wash with Cocoa Butter or our anti-bacterial body wash variation such as JOHNSON’S® Anti-Bacterial Sea Salt Body Wash

  2. Spend some time moisturizing:  Lock in moisture immediately after drying off from a bath or shower to combat dry skin. To prevent and treat dry skin, use Johnson's Intense Care Range products such as the Johnson's Intense Care Body Lotion and Johnson's Intense Care Range Face and Body Cream provide intense care for your dry skin at the cellular level. Enjoy the hydration and freshness of moisturized skin.

  3. Avoid the heat:  Use lukewarm water instead of hot when taking a bath or shower. Too warm of a bath or shower might irritate your skin and mess with its normal moisture balance. Also, keep the length of your bath or shower to 10 minutes or less.

  4. Use cold compresses:  Consider using a cold compress to the afflicted area when symptoms worsen and the itching and irritation cause discomfort.

  5. Consider what your skin is in contact with:  Avoid scratchy materials, such as wool, while selecting clothing. In choosing clothing and bed linens, your skin can benefit from fabrics like cotton and silk, which allow your skin to breathe.

  6. Pat your skin dry:  When you wash and dry your skin, be gentle. When taking a bath or shower, refrain from touching your skin vigorously with a washcloth or sponge. Do not rub your skin when using a towel to dry it off. Instead, gently dab or pat your skin dry, so there is still some moisture.

Also check out our top 6 essential products you need to have to get rid of dry skin, here

In short, dry skin is a common concern for many. However, dry skin does respond to treatment through staying hydrated, using enough moisturizer, and avoiding very hot air and showers, among others. That being said, if you are experiencing blisters, your skin is oozing, or are developing ring-shaped rashes, it becomes important to follow up with your doctor.

6 Best Ways To Treat Extremely Dry Skin - Image - Johnson's Adult - en-AE