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Hand Cream: Benefits of Hand Cream & Hand Care

Hand cream When it comes to signs of ageing, the hands are the first place where it shows. The reason is that, although hands are the most used part of our body, they are also the most neglected when it comes to skin care. We only notice the hands when they become dry, chapped or damaged, which is already too late. When we neglect our hands, we leave them defenceless against signs of ageing such as pigmentation, wrinkles and dehydration.

Your hands are constantly exposed to water, sunlight, chemicals in the kitchen, etc. Even the bath and skin care products you use are slathered on by your hands. They are used for every action you perform, from typing to washing.

The skin on your hands is quite different from the skin on the rest of your body. In fact, the skin on the front and back of the hands is also different from each other, as the skin on the back is much thinner. Your regular body cream does not do justice to the deep moisturising and protection needed by your hands.

A hand cream is a special formulation that is meant to nourish the skin on the hands and provide it with the protection it needs. A good hand cream will soothe your hands, leaving them soft and supple. It will also repair and undo the damage of neglect on your hands.

  Benefits Of Hand Cream Using a hand cream should be a part of your daily routine. Most hand creams are available in small sizes, which you can carry in your purse. This allows you to replenish during the day, when you feel your hands getting dry, or after you wash them.

Consistent use of a hand cream will combat the signs of premature ageing, as well as boost moisture levels and skin elasticity. A good hand cream will also protect your hands against UV exposure, which is the leading cause of cracking and pigmentation. Some other benefits include:

Supple, hydrated skin –  Softer hands are a dream come true. We use our hands all day, to touch our loved ones, and care for our face and body. Soft, smooth hands help you feel luxurious and happy.

Protection from the sun –  The backs of your hands are most exposed to the harsh sun. Whether you are walking or driving, it is difficult to avoid sun exposure. Hand creams form a protective layer on the skin, avoiding sun damage.

Healing damaged skin –  With natural ingredients like herbs and essential oils, hand creams can help repair and reverse the damage already caused on the skin.

Relieve stress –  The action of massaging in the cream can be quite therapeutic in itself, if you close your eyes, and allow yourself to gently massage it in till fully absorbed.

Taking care of the nails –  The massaging action helps strengthen the skin and cuticles in your hands, giving you healthier and stronger nails.

  Hand Care Although hands are the most neglected part of the body, they are easy to care for. A good hand cream can care for the skin, and also provide deep nourishment and protection for the hands.

  • You can keep a hand cream in your purse, and apply often during the day, as many times as you wash your hands, or when they feel dry.

  • Give a little extra attention to the skin on the back of your hands, as the skin is thinner and has less sebaceous glands. Also, this is the part that is most exposed to the sun, so it needs more protection.

  • When exposing the hands to harsh chemicals, like during washing and cleaning the home, wear gloves that keep your hands protected.

  • You can also wear gloves while driving, and during winter, to limit the exposure to harsh natural elements.

  • Massage the hand cream gently, as this not only makes you feel more relaxed but also helps the skin absorb the benefits of the cream properly.

  • Don’t forget to use sunscreen on the hands, especially at the back, for an added layer of protection in harsh climates.

  • Exfoliating the hands has the same benefits as the face, getting rid of dead cells and renewing the rejuvenating the skin.

  • Keep your hands clean with a moisturising wash. Also maintain your cuticles and nails, to avoid transfer of harmful bacteria or residue.

Hand Cream: Benefits of Hand Cream & Hand Care - Image - Johnson's Adult - en-AE